Eurasia Community recently tweeted and asked their followers to pray for workers to come serve with them in four countries where they currently don’t have teams: Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, and Turkmenistan.
According to Joshua Project, only 0.03% of Afghanistan’s nearly 38 million people are evangelical with 99.8% of its population following Islam. The annual growth rate of evangelicals in Afghanistan is 0.0%. Joshua Project estimates that 796 workers are needed for initial church planting efforts among the 67 unreached people groups in Afghanistan. Many more workers will be needed after initial church planting efforts are underway.
Kazakhstan is home to a total of 72 different people groups, 35 of which remain unreached, according to Joshua Project. Only 0.61% of its over 18 million people are evangelical, although the annual growth rate of evangelicals in Kazakhstan is 3.5%, which is higher than the global growth rate of 2.6%. While Islam is the majority religion, only 52.3% of Kazakhstan’s population are Muslim. 32.5% are non-religious while 14.8% follow some form of Christianity. Joshua Project estimates that 291 workers will be needed for initial church planting efforts among Kazakhstan’s unreached, although additional workers will be necessary after initial church planting efforts have gained traction.
Operation World estimates that only 0.6% of Pakistan’s nearly 185 million people are evangelical (note that Joshua Project estimates Pakistan’s population at over 215 million, 99.1% of whom are Muslim). Joshua Project does list the annual growth rate of evangelicals in Pakistan at 3.3% which, again, is higher than the global growth rate of 2.6%. It is estimated that 4,483 workers are required for initial church planting efforts among Pakistan’s 432 unreached people groups, any many additional workers will be needed after those initial efforts have begun.
Of the four countries mentioned in Eurasia Community’s tweet, Turkmenistan is the smallest with a population of just under 6 million people. According to Joshua Project, 21 of its 38 people groups remain unreached. Islam is the dominant religion with 93.5% of Turkmenistan’s citizens being Muslim. Only 0.1% of the population is evangelical and the annual growth rate of evangelicals in Pakistan is 2.1%, less than the global growth rate of 2.6%. Joshua Project estimates that 122 workers are needed for initial church planting efforts in Turkmenistan, with many additional workers necessary for continuing work among the unreached of Turkmenistan.
Can you see yourself as one of the 796 workers needed in Afghanistan, the 291 workers needed in Kazakhstan, the 4,483 workers needed in Pakistan, or the 122 workers needed in Turkmenistan? If so, contact Eurasia Community to find out more about how you can join with other followers of Jesus to bring the news of His love to these far-off lands!
COUNTRIES IN THIS ARTICLE: Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan
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