Lebanese Christian with Hearing Loss Becomes a Fisher of Men
A fisherman who had given his life to Jesus after a missionary explained the gospel to him was in the habit of praying and praising God with a loud voice — because of the hearing loss he had developed from listening to the thunderous noise of the inboard motor on his fishing boat. Not only did God hear Amal’s loud prayers and praises, but Amal’s neighbor Zenab heard as well. And the more Zenab heard the name of Jesus, the more she wanted to know Him. Click the button below to read the rest of the story!
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From House to House in Switzerland
Could it be that the small nation of Switzerland is strategic in God’s plan to reach the countries of Europe? And even beyond Europe, could reaching the 8.5 million residents of Switzerland — just over one tenth of one percent of the world’s total population — with the gospel be an incendiary spark for reaching people around the world? Bob and Erin Stetz, Assemblies of God missionaries, aim to find out — with a bold vision and an innovative strategy.
Prepared To Be Faithful
Fifteen months ago, Matthew and Marsena Cunningham were well into their support raising season for a future assignment in Edinburgh, Scotland. Then COVID-19 began to take hold and fundraising for missions became very difficult. Matthew and Marsena were unsure of how the Lord would direct them in fulfilling their passion to reach the lost, but like five of the virgins in Jesus’ story about the ten virgins and the bridegroom, they were prepared to be faithful.
Crossing Lines Through Healthcare and Community Development
David and Amy Julian are Assemblies of God missionaries preparing to use healthcare and community development to cross lines. Learn how they plan to use their background and skills in pediatric nursing and innovative sustainable solutions for water drilling and sanitation, heating, etc, along with a strategy suggested by Peter’s message to Cornelius in Acts 10, to break down barriers of resistance to the gospel in remote Papua New Guinea villages.
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In The Footsteps of Gaius
The book of 3 John tells us that Gaius supported the itinerant teachers of his day in a manner worthy of God, and that by doing so, he was a fellow worker with the truth. Like Gaius, Neil Ruda is a missions mobilizer – impacting the eternal destiny of souls by helping fellow missionaries and ministries be more effective, efficient, and productive using modern-day tools of technology and compassion to share the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.
He Sets the Lonely in Families
In Japan, if you are lonely, you don’t have to be alone. You can rent a family or friends. Loneliness has reached epidemic proportions in Japanese society, but God has a cure for the epidemic. He is a “father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,” and He “sets the lonely in families.” And He is sending a gregarious, joy-filled family to Japan to plant a community of believers that will become a family where God will place the lonely.