An Animist Becomes a Follower of Christ
An article entitled The Animist Shaken to the Core by God’s Truth tells the story of Anton Egamankon, an animist who gave his life to Christ approximately thirteen years ago. “That is who I was — Anton Egamankon, of the Coconut clan, ground owner and new husband, spirit-worshipper and survivor … I heard four months of teaching from God’s Word in my heart-language and my world changed … I realized that I was actually Anton Egamankon, child of Adam, a sinner, unclean, and deserving of death … I believed in Jesus’ work and my identity changed once again. I was now Anton Egamankon, child of the high Creator God, the undeserving sinner who had received one-sided grace and mercy … now I live with a different purpose … I am Anton Egamankon. Follower of Christ.” Click the button below to read the rest of the story!
News From The Nations
We curate missions-related news items from around the world.
Reading these stories can fuel our prayers for the unreached and provided a backdrop for our conversations with the Lord about where He would have us focus our missions efforts.
We encourage you to read these articles with your eyes open to God's work and an expectant heart, listening for His direction.
Leaving the Hindu Priesthood for Christ
Leaving the Hindu Priesthood for Christ
Rahil Patel spent six years in India — away from his home and family in London — undergoing intensive training to become a Hindu priest. Outwardly, he was a model student and priest. But inwardly, his heart was unsettled and restless. Through the influence of a children’s Bible he found in a bookstore and later when a group of believers welcomed him in their midst on a Sunday morning, he said “Yes” to Jesus. “I went back to my hotel room and secretly in my heart gave my life to Jesus. It was then that I realised how he had been questioning, guiding and attracting me. He had been there throughout my life, knocking on the door.” Click the button below to read the rest of the story!
Buddhist Woman Freed From Anxiety
Buddhist Woman Freed From Anxiety
In an article entitled A Shelf Full of Gods — and No Hope, Brianna Langley tells the story of Machiko — a Japanese woman who suffered from depression and a severe social anxiety disorder known as hikikomori. Through a variety of God-ordained encounters, this Buddhist woman was drawn to a group of believers and after several months of observing the life of her new friends and being immersed into their expression of Christian community, Machiko converted to Christ. And she was set free from her depression and social anxiety! Click the button below to read the rest of the story!
Visit the TEAM Website to read this story entitled A Shelf Full of Gods — and No Hope
From Life Under ISIS to Faith in Jesus
From Life Under ISIS to Faith in Jesus
Four-and-a-half years ago, Kurdish People’s Protection Units along with Free Syrian Army reinforcements, Peshmerga of the Kurdistan Regional Government, and American and US-allied Arab airstrikes, liberated the Syrian city of Kobani after approximately four months of ISIS control. Although four months may seem like a relatively short time, the brutality of ISIS has led some Muslim residents of Kobani to question their faith. Click the button below to read the story of how a Church of the Brethren congregation in Kobani is leading people to Christ!
A Sikh Finds Jesus
A Sikh Finds Jesus
In an article published in The Guardian in August of 2015 entitled Jesus Saved My Mother, Nirpal Dhaliwal tells the fascinating story of how his mother — born into the monotheistic Sikh religion in the Punjab and yet combining her Sikh heritage with many of the religious practices of the polytheistic Hindu culture around her — converted to Christ and of his observations of the changes it has brought about in her life. Click the button below to read the rest of the story!
Visit The Guardian Website to read this story entitled Jesus saved my mother