Nate Craft had a dream. And he had a plan to reach his dream, a plan to live the life he had always wanted. He was a Division 1 football player at Jacksonville State University. He was a pre-med major with a 4.0 grade point average. Nate was popular on campus. He was on his way to being happy and successful. Nate had a plan.
God also had a plan. God had a plan for the 92 unreached people groups who live in the jungles of the Amazon Basin which surround the end of the road where the town of Yurimaguas lies in the region of Loreto, Peru.
And God had a plan for Nate.
If you want to find out more about how God’s plan and Nate’s plan intersected, watch the first three minutes of this video in which Nate describes what happened (the video will proceed after Nate finishes speaking for approximately one more hour because it is from the recording of a regular Sunday gathering at Faith Assembly of God in Orlando, Florida). And after watching those three minutes, then come back to this article to find out how you can join Nate in his work.
Just as Nate will be joining a team, through him we too can join the team in Peru and play a part in bringing the gospel to the region of Loreto.
As we have said in our pillar articles (which can be reached through the tabs at the top of this website), all believers should be part of a team seeking to reach the unreached. Some will go, some will pray, some will provide financial support, some will provide logistical support.
We would encourage you to learn more about Nate’s ministry and consider if God is calling you to be part of the team dedicated to reaching the unreached in Yurimaguas.
Here are four ways you can be a part of Nate’s team:
- You can join Nate and the team in Peru by subscribing to his newsletter and committing to pray for him on a regular basis.
- You can commit to supporting him financially.
- You can consider physically joining Nate and the rest of the team in Yurimaguas to aid them in their work. Contact Nate for more information.
- If you are a pastor or missions leader in your church, we would encourage you to get in touch with Nate to see how he might be able to encourage your people for the cause of missions in Peru and also to find out how you can be of service to him.
WORKERS IN THIS ARTICLE: Nate Craft, Ricky and Carol Hendon
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