How Digital Communication Facilitated a Wiccan’s Conversion to Christ
The Sharpe Logs represent the fascinating story of Kathi Sharpe — a practicing pagan witch (a Wiccan) who converted to Christ and was discipled through digital conversations with Rich Tatum, a then web project manager with Christianity Today International. These “logs” are just that — records of 53 different online conversations Kathi and Rich had through email and instant messenger over a period of almost an entire year. Although the logs are almost twenty years old at the time of this writing, they still provide tremendous insight into how God can work through digital means to bring people to Himself and raise them up to maturity in the faith. Click the button below to read the rest of the story!
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You Are Already an Internet Evangelist
In her excellent article entitled You’re Already Doing Internet Evangelism, so Do It Well, Amber Stamper interviews Tony Whitaker who was the founder of the Web Evangelism Guide and then coordinator of Internet Evangelism Day until his retirement in 2015.
View This Story entitled You Are Already an Internet Evangelist
The Evangelical Church is Growing in Ireland
The Evangelical Church is Growing in Ireland
According to an article written by Jonny Grant and Patti Richter for The Gospel Coalition entitled Reaching Ireland for Christ — Again, only about 0.5 percent of the Republic of Ireland’s population is evangelical and it is the least evangelized country in Europe. At the same time, there have been signs of progress in the wake of the Catholic charismatic renewal in the 1970’s an an influx of missionaries from the United States and Northern Ireland in the 1980’s. Those factors contributed to the establishment and growth of gospel-centered churches scattered throughout the Republic of Ireland. Today there are over 240 evangelical churches with an average attendance of about 80 people. And now, Irish evangelicals are catching a vision to plant churches where Christ is not yet known and to support Christian workers in other countries. Click the button below to read the rest of the story!
Visit the Gospel Coalition Website to read this story entitled Reaching Ireland for Christ — Again
Proclaiming the Message of Jesus in a Preacher’s Graveyard
Proclaiming the Message of Jesus in a Preacher’s Graveyard
In a March 2017 article entitled Europe’s Most Godless Country May Surprise You, Gunnar Gunnarsson tells the story of how he and his wife, Svava Maria, began planting a church in downtown Reykjavík, Iceland — a place a former minister told him was a “preacher’s graveyard.” The church Gunnar and his wife planted — Loftstofan Baptist Church — has an overarching vision to plant reproducing churches throughout Iceland. Click the button below to read the rest of the story!
Teaching the Bible to Animists
Teaching the Bible to Animists
Hans Bär, a missionary with OMF International, has been involved in evangelism and leadership training among the Karen people in Thailand for over twenty-five years. The Karen people have an animistic background and worldview and that affects how they understand teaching from the Bible. In a December 2018 article on OMF International’s website, entitled Teaching God’s Word to a People from an Animistic Background, Bär identifies several implications of an animistic worldview for Bible teaching. Click the button below to read the rest of the story!
An Animist Becomes a Follower of Christ
An Animist Becomes a Follower of Christ
An article entitled The Animist Shaken to the Core by God’s Truth tells the story of Anton Egamankon, an animist who gave his life to Christ approximately thirteen years ago. “That is who I was — Anton Egamankon, of the Coconut clan, ground owner and new husband, spirit-worshipper and survivor … I heard four months of teaching from God’s Word in my heart-language and my world changed … I realized that I was actually Anton Egamankon, child of Adam, a sinner, unclean, and deserving of death … I believed in Jesus’ work and my identity changed once again. I was now Anton Egamankon, child of the high Creator God, the undeserving sinner who had received one-sided grace and mercy … now I live with a different purpose … I am Anton Egamankon. Follower of Christ.” Click the button below to read the rest of the story!